Parent Testimonials

SLDC  has been providing a collaborative approach to education for over 65 years.  Please read just a few testimonials about our success.


“Our journey to SLDC was a difficult one. After being told by every local pre-school and daycare center that my son’s autism was too severe and that they did not have the resources to provide services we moved to California to continue our search with family support. For over a year I searched high and low. No one would accept him. That is when the regional center told us about SLDC. After two years of searching my son was finally able to start school!


“I saw the immediate effectiveness of SLDC’s approach and method. I felt so relieved. We finally have a place that understood my son and used methods that would help and not harm him.
We are very grateful to have been introduced to SLDC!”


“The staff at the school is incomparable. Their creativity is boundless. Their determination to find a way to reach each student goes far beyond anything I have ever seen in my lifetime”


“When our children were accepted at the center, my wife and I felt like a weight had been taken off our shoulders. We know they would be loved, believed in, and finally understood.”


“Everyone on campus respected my son and he felt safe and supported. I could see a transformation in him on the first day he came home.”


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